STRENGTH CLASS 1 visit free From $20 per visit with DROP IN pass A credit card is required to enroll but isn't charged until the time of service.
FREE COMMUNITY YOGA $0 No purchase required to enroll
FREE RUN WITH THE WOLVES CLUB Free $0 No purchase required to enroll
MOBILITY CLASS 1 visit free From $20 per visit with DROP IN pass No purchase required to enroll
HIIT TO THE BEAT From $20 per visit with DROP IN pass No purchase required to enroll
BARRE to the BEAT 1 visit free From $20 per visit with DROP IN pass No purchase required to enroll
HIKE WITH THE WOLVES No purchase required to enroll
AFTER PARTY/RAFFLE Free No purchase required to enroll
PADDLE BOARD MOBILITY Free From $10 per visit with PADDLE BOARD DROP IN pass No purchase required to enroll
PADDLE BOARD STRENGTH Free From $10 per visit with PADDLE BOARD DROP IN pass No purchase required to enroll
LITTLE WOLF WORKOUT Purchase required to enroll
PRIVATE CLASS No purchase required to enroll
GALENTINES WORKOUT Free No purchase required to enroll